Sunday, March 29, 2009

Flag of Japan

There were two flags which are known as a national flag in Jpan. One is called ''Nisssyo-ki'', ohter is called ''Kyokujitsuki''. ''Kyokujituki'' is more common among foreigners and they may think that ''Kyokujitsuki'' is flag of Japan, but it is wrong. On August 13, 1999, Japanese govorment established a law about flag of Japan. Accoding to the law, the flag of Japan is ''Nissyo-ki''. This flag's base color is white, and at the center there is a red circle which indicate sun. The size is two units length by three units width (2:3). The size of red circle's diameter is three by five length (3:5). ''Kyokujitsuki'' also have a sun as a symbol. But strictly speaking, the sun incidents rising sun. Moreover, ''Kyokujituki'' used to use in Japanese navy, and now it is used by "self-defence forces". So "Nissyo-ki" and "Kyokujistuki" have different means for Japanese people.
"Nissyo-ki" has a long history from before 7th century. Japanese people have admired the sun as a god or thing that have a mystic force; therefor, Japanese peple put the sun as a symbol in flag. But untill 1999, they didn't enact the flag of Japan because of background of WWⅡ. After WWⅡ, GHQ who are American occupided Japan, and they enjoin flying a Japanese flag, so many years Japanese goverment didn't enact a national flag. However, since 1990's there were a lot of problems about ''Nissyo-ki''. One of problems is death of president of high school. Some teachers againsted flying the flag, so the president killed by himself. After the incient, Japanese govorment established a law of flag to avoid the incident again.