Sunday, April 12, 2009

My life was priceless...

If I would die tomorrow, I want to write in my epitaph "My life was priceless."Although some people think that we can buy experience with money such as sightseeing, but I think that experience is wealth of life, and we can not buy experience with money such as making friends. Terefore, if there is a person who has a lot of experiences, he or she has great wealth. In my case, I had a lot of experiences till today. The biggest experience is coming to America. Thanks to this studying abroad, I can get many adventures. I want to introduce some experiences. First, I could eat American foods that I can not eat in Japan. I live in Neely, so I can eat American foods every day. Even I'm tired of these foods, I enjoy eating that. Second, I could get on a plane by my self and I could go many places by my self. Before I came here, I had never book and get on a plane by my self. But after I came here, I went to Miami and Spain by my self. I can gat confidence because of these experiences. Third, I could meet many people, and I could be friend with them who come from all over the world. Before I came here, I had never talked to other countries' people except American. But since I came here, I could talk to Chinese, Korean, Saudi Arabian, Taiwanese, and so on, and I could learn many different cultures. So I can say I had a lot of experiences and I was very happy. I really apreciate my parents because If my parents didn't allow that I go abroad, I can't have these experiences. So I want to tell thanks to my parents. I beilve that my perents' hapiness is my hapiness, so I want to write in my epitaph "My life was priceless." This phrase includes these means that "I was very satisfied my life," "I was glad to born," and "I apreciated my parents."

1 comment:

Anna said...

Your life is priceless! You are so blessed to have been able to travel as you have and I'm glad that I was able to meet you here. Perhaps one day I will meet you in Japan!